Thursday, September 18, 2008

Germs! Germs!

They're all sick! Icky sicky! Only one of three kids went to school today, and Lloyd is in bed sick too. I think I need to spend as much time as possible outside the house. Lucky for me, I need to get a few quarts of blood drawn from me, get my nails stuck back together and hit Walmart for a few jumbo economy size packs of kids' cold medicine and other essentials. Unfortunately, I'm in a lot of pain today, for reasons unknown, but I'm learning how to just power through that.

Bit by bit things here in the house are coming together for my grand departure. Yesterday, I managed to finish winding every single loose skein of yarn in the house into pretty balls. Actually, they look more like little cakes when they come off the ball winder, but that's not the point. The point is that my big working desk in the living room is no longer covered in skeins of yarn. And I have approximately 6.5 gigs of music loaded on my MP3 player, and still have room for nearly 3.5 gigs more! Yes, gigs. Must not be unprepared. Gotta love the new high capacity microSD chips. 8 gigs on something the size of my pinky fingernail.

There are about a thousand of those ridiculous little projects that need doing before I head down for surgery, just because I'm anal and obsessive and want to come home to cleanliness. But, it keeps me busy and occupied instead of bored and worrying. It's pretty sad when things like filing, organizing my pjs and cleaning the bathroom are positives in my world, but there you have it. Anyone who's been to my house can tell you my daily life isn't much more exciting than that anyway!

[can we say "killing time," boys and girls? the hospital pre-admit department is supposed to call in a half hour to have a phone appointment and I can't go get ready to leave until then...]

In other news, shameless plug-- I got all my cancer bling the other day, and if you want cancer bling, visit for all the goodies. I stocked up on some of those ubiquitous silicone bracelets, the ubiquitous ribbon car magnets, some great "ring of hope" necklaces for me and Anna in our appointed cancer color of bright teal, (I hate teal! It's KeraVision blue! Not Reflex Blue, or Pantone 286, but the one that's more like Pantone 322. I mean, it's ok, for things like blog backgrounds, but not for me to wear. ) and a "Cancer Sucks" t-shirt. I saw the ring from the necklace on Aimee's keychain and hunted it down. :-) I may have to invest in some "Cancer Sucks" yoga pants or a sweatshirt too at some point.

Mainly, I wanted cancer bling to support the research, of course, (which Choose Hope does) and to give to Anna so that she and I have matching necklaces and bracelets. It makes her feel connected and like she's "doing" something and helps with the anxiety, which is good.

Ok hospital person, hurry up and call. I'm bored and in pain, which is a deadly combo.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

They are not allowed to get you sick. Tell them I said so.

Don't exhaust yourself either. Do your best to get at least a little rest before next week.

Love you