Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Or something like that. It's early, my head hurts and I want caffeine.

I'm not nervous, or worried or anything like that, but I am really, really sick of having to run to the bathroom every 3 minutes! And my head hurts. But, we'll be off in less than a half hour, aiming for a 10:30 or earlier arrival in Mountain View. Cross your fingers for good traffic karma and good parking karma and all those other things.

The anesthesiologist called me last night, and unlike the one from my last surgery, this one seems HUMAN, with an actual personality and sense of humor, so I'm hoping he'll get me hooked up to a hydrating and sedating IV right away.

This is it....I'll Twitter in from the road if I'm bored, otherwise, the next updates will happen while I'm unconscious.

Love y'all.

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